Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I am a lousy reader. I read only when I have no other way, usually the tel-evil-sion, to keep myself occupied. So, my encounter with podcasts has ever since provided me with a win-win solution - a way to keep in touch with the world while skipping the reading part!

All BBC podcasts are awesome. My favourites though are the documentary archives that offers excellent global coverage of a global problem (like failure of carbon trading) or an in-depth coverage of a local problem (eg. Opium problem in Afganistan) .

The other one I love is The Economist podcasts. They are not as aggressive as the BBC, but, in a more mellow fasion, encapsulate the main stories of latest edition in its "From the Paper" and provides a good context to the future in its "The World Next Week". There are a numerous other audio and video documentaries. But the most recent and the best section that I found by far in the Economist is the "Doing business in.." section. If you are about to make a business trip to a foreign country and are apprehensive about what you may encounter, this is the best place for you. It has a list of 25 cities (and counting) for each of which an Economist correspondant provides a great 15-minute audio round up of what you are likely to encounter from the moment you land in the airport to the time you punch out. And I mean everything! Getting cab services, hotels, facts to be aware of, cultural aspects and local superstitions, local business etiquette, places to visit, best and worst time to visit, things to buy and cuisines to try and more. By the time the audio is done, you would feel ready for the travel! Sadly (or happily depending on your outlook) no cities of India is included yet.

Now that I am in Tokyo, I proudly present

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