Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Dilbert's way of saying...

நாயை அடிப்பானேன், ஆயைச் சுமப்பானேன்?
Why to hit the dog(bert), and why to carry shit?


Maayaa said...

extremely poor resolution.. onnume puriyala!!

Ponnarasi Kothandaraman said...

Hahaha..Wts the msg u r tryign 2 convey? ;)

Intha page'ku yen varuvaney, post puriyama kozhapikuvaney??? :P Hehehe kidding!

Badhri said...

The point is "Don't mess with any dog(bert)"! :)

Maayaa said...

visit my tamilkkalvi site when u get time.. i posted the next.. the siledai seems to be awesome..u will like it